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2023 | Buch

Communication Design and Branding

A Multidisciplinary Approach


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This book gathers new empirical findings fostering advances in the areas of communication design and branding, with a special emphasis of interdisciplinary approaches showing how to combine knowledge in those fields to improve businesses in a digital, global world. Gathering original, peer-reviewed contributions written by designers, computer scientists, marketer and product managers, this book provides both the communication and branding communities with a timely snapshot of current strategies and best-practices to improve different kinds of business through design. By highlighting current challenges, it is also intended to inspire and foster collaboration between different groups, in both university and industry.



Visual Identity Design and Communication Design

Mapping Out the Narrative Dimensions of Visual Identities: A Typological Classification
Brands are the carriers of stories that help us in framing our understanding of society and in knowing the world. Logos, which are graphical elements that aim at quickly and in a condensed manner translating a brand’s identity, are just one of such bearers of rich and meaningful information. However, in hypermodern times, several brands’ visual identities adopt a dynamic, interactive, mutant approach, potentially comprising diverse visual narratives, semantically multidimensional, fuzzy, and hardly quantifiable. The complexity of this phenomenon is mostly a consequence from the fact that brands are no longer the unique sources of their branded messages since audiences are increasingly opinionated, vocal, and active. The main goal of this chapter is to illustrate a tentative proposal on how to map visual identities against their narrative dimensions, resorting to a few destination brands and their visual identities, both Conventional and Mutant. Relying on the advantages and the shortcomings of natural languages, a typology is proposed, which is then used to map the logos of the selected brands, based on their narrative-oriented characteristics. Despite the obvious lack of objectivity which describes the semantic richness and fuzziness of brands’ stories the presented visualisation resources are expected to be of value for, at the very least, benchmarking activities.
Catarina Lelis, Elizete A. Kreutz
Principles for the Design of Brand Marks
This chapter aims to deepen the understanding about the Design of Brand Marks in the design-symbolic-perception relationship to clarify concepts and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in this theme, assisting in the design, standardization, and use of brand marks. A qualitative non-interventionist methodology was selected, namely a literature review to clarify, delimit and discuss the concepts and different taxonomies of graphic brands, as well as to identify graphic brand design principles; furthermore, the case study methodology, based on six Graphic Standards Manuals, allowed the identification of design principles, and confront them with the knowledge obtained by the literature review. The methodology was relevant insofar as it allowed us to identify the principles necessary for the Design of Brand Marks. The literature review showed a lack of consensus and some points of convergence in taxonomic classifications and in the definition of concepts and design principles for Brand Marks. The case study allowed us to observe that even the Brand Marks designed by professional designers present structural and formal errors, standardization errors, as well as incorrect or imprecise technical terminology. We consider that this chapter contributes to the deepening of knowledge in the field of Brand Mark Design, through the clarification of concepts, terms, and principles for the development of Brand Marks.
Alice Vieira, João Brandão, Daniel Raposo, Nuno Martins
Dynamic Visual Identities: Fundamental Principles of Their Design
This article analyzes Dynamic Visual Identities (DVI) intending to present a set of principles that designers should take into account when designing such systems. It starts with a literature review, approaching a set of reference authors, to clarify the key concepts around the DVI; its relationship with brands, brand identities, visual identity systems; the socio-historical context that leads to the expansion of dynamic identities; the typology of DVI constructions, categorizing them and demonstrating some of their guiding and structural principles in their construction. A chronological overview of some pioneering DVI systems that introduced mechanisms designed for dynamism is also presented. Finally, based on the study carried out, the main potentialities and risks in the use of the DVI are presented and a set of principles to be taken into account in its design are identified.
Pedro Fonte, Nuno Martins, Daniel Raposo, Leonardo Pereira
Redesigning the Visual Identity of Non-profit Organizations: The Case Study of Escola Oficina
This article seeks to analyze the importance of Corporate Visual Identity (CVI) for non-profit and social solidarity organizations. It starts from the case study of Escola Oficina (EO), where an evaluation and consequent redesign of its CVI was developed. This study, developed within the ECHO research project, funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), arose from a problem, identified by EO itself, that consisted of making known the activity developed and, above all, to minimize the generalised distrust of consumers regarding its products. EO is a social project located in Vila Nova de Gaia, in northern Portugal, and its main goal is to empower and prepare unemployed citizens, namely from vulnerable communities, for a future integration into the labour market. This chapter is based on a Case Study methodology, supported by a literature review and exploratory interviews. The main results were the development of a new corporate visual identity solution for Escola Oficina, in response to the problems identified in this study.
João Vasconcelos, Nuno Martins, Daniel Brandão, Leonardo Pereira, Daniel Raposo
Certification of Vegan and Vegetarian Products: V-Label’s Redesign
This article is a response to a problem detected in the identification and distinction of the labels of the certification program of V-Label, a non-profit organization that advocates for the plant-based movement. Currently, the certification is based in two existing labels, one of which identifies and guarantees that the products that contain it are vegan, while the other does the same for vegetarian products. However, the visual similarity between the two increases the likelihood of confusing them when making a purchase. Thus, this article can be inserted in graphic design and communication area, but also in the area of branding, and intends to reflect on how to reconcile the familiar sense of an identity already widely recognized with solutions that communicate it in a more clear and efficient way, reinforcing trust in the brand and in the labels that represent it. V-Label presents itself as a means for reflection on the contribution of design to the plant-based movement which, for ethical, ecological, and social reasons, deserves to be encouraged and helped to grow. For these reasons, the project presented proposes not only to find solutions that correct the initial problem and lead to a more effective identification and distinction between vegan and vegetarian products, but also proposes to demonstrate the contribution that design can have for the growth and visibility of plant-based movement.
Joana Silva, Álvaro Sousa
A Product-Application-Based Residential Cooling System with Zero Emission
Climate change caused by global warming has recently led to increased temperatures in urban areas. With rising temperatures, the effectiveness of fans and coolers has reduced, and the demand for air conditioners has increased, which is not eco-friendly or cost-effective. This leads to overconsumption of electricity/non-renewable energy, causing increased production of CFCs and GHGs. Due to the global warming threat, there has been an increase in demand for sustainable products or solutions. The objective of the proposed product is to introduce an eco-friendly, cost-effective cooling system, which promotes UNESCO's 13th sustainable development goal, i.e., ‘Climate Action’. The proposed product-application-based solution envelopes the “Zero Emissions” idea that will help maintain comfortable temperatures in residential sectors. “Indirect-Direct Evaporative Cooling” technology is employed in the proposed eco-friendly system compared to “Conventional Cooling” technologies. Critical design thinking and various research methods are employed in the proposed concept. The proposed design solution is economical and sustainable, catering to a wide range of consumers.
Atharva Nikam, Pranita Ranade

Communication Design and Brand Advertising

Exploring Racial Diversity in Fashion Brand Advertising: An Instagram-Based Study of Three Prominent Brands
Cultural and racial diversity in fashion brand communication has been a growing discussion topic, often associated with either spontaneous or organized by citizens movements advocating for issues of discrimination, exclusion, and even human rights. This article’s goal was to investigate the ethnic representation in the communication and promotion content published by three reference clothing brands on the Instagram social media platform: H&M, Lefties, and Zara. The study focused on the analysis of the Instagram pages of these three brands, between January 2020 and January 2022. In this article, we begin with a literature review on the topics of diversity and representation. We then present the methodologies and results of the carried out analysis on H&M’s, Lefties’ and Zara’s Instagram posts. Finally, we discuss the results and their respective conclusions.
Lara Martins, Nuno Martins, Leonardo Pereira, Daniel Raposo
“So that Kyoto Will Always Remain Kyoto”: Reflections on the Impact of Outdoor Advertising Policies in Kyoto City
Recent changes in the Kyoto City Landscape Plan, have allowed citizens and mayor-certified organizations to proactively work together in creating more sustainable landscapes. In the outdoor advertising context, the system remains geared towards well-established restrictions and communication routes between administration and advertisers. This paper reflects on the current state of communication between the city, the community, and advertisers, speculating on the possibility of creating a more integrated system by analyzing the trends in the “Kyoto Landscape Awards” within the Outdoor Advertising category. The results point to tendencies in the attribution of the awards towards the regeneration and preservation areas of the city, bypassing new urban development and residential areas that constitute an opportunity for innovation and creativity. An integrated system, furthering information exchange and collaboration oriented, could allow the community to be more directly involved in the process of creation and decision-making regarding the outdoor advertising that invades their daily lives, which could, in turn, improve the urban experience and encourage the sprouting of new meaningful places.
Ana Seixosa, Maria Cadarso
What Do #Storytelling and #Marketing Have in Common? A Comprehensive Literature Review from the Web of Science
Storytelling is a powerful marketing tool that can be used to attract the audience's attention and influence behavior. However, this investigation seeks to understand more deeply the importance of written narratives in the marketing field. In this sense, the objective of this article is to explore similarities and identify patterns, phases or stages, variables, indicators, and respective relationships (models) to help marketers to create storytelling. In the analogy of the visual methodology analytical process, this literature review created a selection of the sample and developed content to structure storytelling within the marketing framework. Through the analysis of 78 papers published in the Web of Science main collection, this research finds out three clusters: marketing cluster, content cluster, and context cluster. Our results indicate that, in marketing, storytelling elicits brand identification, awareness, and customer engagement, as well as it helps with self-expression, a sense of belonging, and a perception of the value of the product or brand. We find some variables, indicators, and respective relationships (models) that can be used in storytelling in the marketing field to improve value awareness. This review also allowed us to identify factors related to the structuring of marketing storytelling. And we found three key elements of the story construct that are transversal: content, classification, and character.
Henrique Marques, João P. Almeida, Adriana de Fátima Valente Bastos, Oliva M. D. Martins
Applying Eye Tracking Technique to Evaluate Poster Design: A Study on World Peace Poster
In recent years, the world has been confronted with a myriad of difficulties as a result of the pandemic and the war conflicts that have broken out between countries. In this scenario, it is important to focus on world peace because world peace might influence the growth and prosperity of the entire global community. On the other hand, eye tracking is a relatively new technique for the study of visual attention and perception in poster design. This research work examines the effectiveness of design elements in world peace poster design using an eye tracking technique used for the measurement of attention, attractiveness, and understanding of the messages conveyed using posters. We designed three novel posters on the theme of world peace (using Photoshop and Illustrator), and the eye tracking was conducted using the GazeRecorder software and a questionnaire survey with 20 participants (age ranged from 23–43 years, 47.4% male, 52.6% female) was conducted to understand the users’ reactions to the designed posters. Eye movements are used to provide a comparatively novel source of data about visual attention and evaluation of design elements. Creative poster designs that are eye-catching, have a brief message, and can be understood at a glance are more effective in the context of world peace message communication. The study highlights the use of eye tracking as an active area of research that is being applied to the study of world peace poster design. It was observed that poster 2 (P2) was more attractive as the design was significantly more original, aesthetically pleasing, and communicative to the target audience for the promotion of a world peace-related message. The study reports on people's perceptions of poster design, particularly different design elements, and their effectiveness, as well as people's attention to certain messages or information on design posters, which transmit the message and cause them to think in a certain way.
Bhaskar Mishra, Anirban Chowdhury

Brand Image and User Experience

Between the Experience and the Image of the City: ‘New Babylon’ and ‘Learning from Las Vegas’ as Paradigmatic Cases
This chapter analyzes the existing tension between the experience of the city and the image of it, arguing that the designer is a creative agent that acts as a mediator between both poles. Although the growing primacy of the visual has marked the notion of cities throughout the twentieth century, this investigation presents two paradigmatic cases to illustrate the opposite: The idea that the conception of the city can—and probably should-start from experience, not so much from its image. These cases are the vision of Las Vegas that, as a manifesto, Robert Venturi, Denise Scott-Brown, and Steven Izenour provide in 1972; and New Babylon that Constant Nieuwenhuys devised between the 1950s and 1960s. In the light of these cases, the text concludes by prompting—or rather by asking—what is the role of the contemporary designer in the city now that we are fully immersed in the twenty-first century.
Víctor Larripa, Javier Antón, Catia Rijo, Helena Grácio
Destination Image Through TripAdvisor´s Reviews Analysis
Tourists’ satisfaction and motivation have been recurrent themes in tourism literature. In recent years these themes have also been addressed based on online evaluations carried out by tourists, TripAdvisor is one of the most used sites. In this context, this study aims to analyse the image of Bragança's tourism destination based on TripAdvisor reviews during the pandemic period (2020–2022). To this end, 1444 quantitative and qualitative reviews of attractions, hotels, and restaurants in Bragança, Northern Portugal, were analysed. Based on the Latent Dirichlet Allocation Algorithm three dimensions were determined for the attractions, two dimensions for the hotels and two dimensions for the restaurants. The descriptive statistics made it possible to establish that the municipality has a positive tourist image. Given results, theoretical and practical implications of this important Marketing theme are presented.
Elaine Scalabrini, Jessica Ferreira, Senka Borovac Zekan, Paula Odete Fernandes
Hospitality Branding: Expressing the Brand Through Design and Transferable Experiences
A brand is a powerful corporate asset. A brand is much more than a name or logo. A brand, while a representation of personality, refers to the values, and experiences of its customers and the way the brand is perceived by the public and client. Design is an obvious and practical way for organizations to make their products and services more distinctive ( Best, K.: Design Management. (2016).). The branding process and brand position are important factors for differentiating a brand in the market. In turn, brand identity is a crucial element of communication with the public. We are emotional beings. We like stories and stories are important to how we as humans understand the world around us. Stories make us feel good, make us explore the senses and revive memories. Stories activate brain and body regions and stimulate emotional and biological brain responses that encourage sharing experiences. The human ability to recall a story increases, as it becomes incorporated into sensory areas. Strong emotions and feelings retain more vivid and lasting memories. Brands should be able to tell stories capturing the public's attention, stimulate empathy and create emotional connections that move the public in their actions and attitudes. A brand story needs to resonate with potential consumers and form a strong bond and loyalty moving forward. The best stories stimulate action by offering our mind simulation (knowledge about how to act) along with inspiration (motivation to act). Hospitality branding uses stories to build empathy with the public and the public with the brand. The development of an emotional brand culture allows for greater connection with the public and therefore a greater loyalty to it (Aaker in Managing Brand Equity, The Free Press, New York, 1991). Combining brand strategy with consistent brand communication and storytelling—the good narrative is with the brand's vision, mission, and corporate culture—with extensive knowledge of the brand's sector, it offers innovative and differentiating design solutions. This, in turn, will be a lever of creativity that applies the design and the brand to create different experiences for its audience and brand followers.
Marina Peres
Legacy of the Reactivation: Communication and Media at the Service of the Business Movement and Resilience to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Spain
It is interesting to share an initiative that we consider relevant from a business and social point of view. It is a business “activism” movement that emerged on the first day of the lockdown decreed in Spain in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The movement was structured in several phases: the initial phase, Esto no tiene que parar; the intermediate phase, Actívate; and the final phase, Legacy of the Reactivation. This text describes how an entrepreneurial initiative that arose almost spontaneously, in a context of unprecedented uncertainty and lack of information, such as that experienced during the initial phase of the pandemic, evolved into a powerful tool for business and social resilience in Spain. Through the analysis of a case study, the role of communication management for the activation of projects is mainly detailed. The results lead to affirm that strategic communication and the activation of the appropriate media and supports, mainly textual and audiovisual social networks, were decisive for the success of the project. Legacy of the Reactivation represents the beginning of a new era in which companies are called upon to act with determination, through the allocation of economic and intangible resources, to seek the solution to the great global challenges, in the exercise of the role that corresponds to them. One of the main conclusions is that the pandemic has also been, despite everything, an opportunity to reshape trust in the business world and its legitimacy for the future.
Fernando Olivares-Delgado, María Teresa Benlloch-Osuna
Effects of Animation Types on Visual Search Behavior: A Study on Mobile Icon Search
Smartphones usage tremendously increased from being only calling device to a tool that facilitates all personal tasks. The number of applications increased with increased usage of smartphones. As mobile app icons are the basic way to access the applications installed, it becomes difficult to search desired app hidden across a vast number of pages of smartphone menu. This paper attempts to explore if animations have effect on visual search of icons and acceptability of animated icons. Different animated icons were created and evaluated for search behavior in the eye tracking experiment. Results of the current study showed that the vibration animation (out of the ten selected animations) the most positive effect on icon search behavior and was preferred by most of the users. These findings can be used by designers for mobile operating system interface design and in scenarios where search task is crucial in complex and enormous information cloud presented together in a single screen. Similarly, animated icons can also help in promoting apps as they are getting noticed repeatedly on mobile screen.
Anirban Chowdhury, Surabhi Rohankar
Impact of the E-brand on the Consumer's E-trust, Reliance and Resistance Towards the Chatbot
Currently, corporations are finding a lot of interest in the usage of chatbots for various tasks across a range of industries. The future of interfaces looks bright for chatbots. In order to give customers a better experience, retailers must understand how they engage with their interfaces. To formulate our research hypotheses in this chapter, we draw on two theories, namely the Stimilus-Organism-Response theory and the Social Presence theory. By concentrating on text chatbots, a new interactive technology, we have made significant contributions to the literature on interactive marketing and artificial intelligence. One of the first empirical studies on the causes and effects of consumer trust in text chatbots is the one we conducted. Just the utilitarian usage of chatbots for online customer care has been examined in prior studies. The emotional component of the human-chatbot relationship is added by our study (1). As far as we are aware, no research has yet been done to evaluate how brand experience and behaviour are affected by online brand equity. Our study adds and investigates yet another connection between brand experience and chatbot user trust (2). Our study examines the consequences of trust in the employment of chatbots as well as the attitudes of reliance and resistance (3). Our research is original because of these three contributions. By incorporating the emotional component of this contact, we hope to examine the characteristics (antecedents and repercussions) of customer trust in text chatbots in this chapter. Ultimately, the results add more valuable data for e-service providers and chatbot developers to enhance their capabilities, comprehend the consequences on user experiences, and provide a roadmap for relationship development and strategy creation.
Moez Ltifi

Design, Innovation, and Brand Management

Speculative for Strategic Design
Theories and Contributions of Speculative for Strategic Design
This paper analyzes the concepts of speculation, strategy, and strategic design. Seeking to observe the dynamics of strategic design thinking and how we can apply scenarios as a tool and method for strategic innovation and testing existing strategies, products, and services. This investigation is a literature review primary study in the emerging field, that focuses on fusing speculative design practice and strategic design. The importance of questioning the future in a fast and complex changing world, rewilding the ways of thinking and the nature of the problems, and the responsibility as designers to social change as shapers of society. While most strategies and innovation methods focus on meeting needs, influenced by the market, there is still little understanding in organizations to deal with unpredictability. Recognizing the complexity of today's socio-technological systems, and innovation, stakeholders can work together to achieve more orderly but also more sustainable and innovative solutions that seek greater long-term social, economic, and cultural benefits. This paper serves as an entry point for design practitioners and researchers interested in understanding the connection between speculation, strategy, and long-term thinking.
Maria João Gamito Caixas, Fernando Jorge Matias Sanches Oliveira
The Existing Gap Between Design Management and Management—Contributions on How to Bridge It Successfully
Design Management has been successful in connecting the knowledge areas of Design and Management. Companies, services, products, brands, and customers/users are now using design, marketing, and technology to create customer/brand interactions. Design Management has enabled Design to become more business-oriented, while Management has embraced Design and Human-centered approaches for a more strategic output. In the world of business, Design is recognized for its strategic value and is sometimes used as a synonym for innovation, research and development of products and services. To hold its place in the industry, Design Management must embrace a wide range of concerns such as marketing and management, innovation, quality control, training and development. Design is also criticized for lacking a thorough theoretical base, but its practice and theoretical discourse draw on a wide and diverse field of knowledge and skills. Design Management is a critical component of a company's expertise, as it is based on the design process and the creative capacity of designers to visualize solutions. It is also leaning towards prospective methods in a co-design process, which use skills like observation, dialogue, and empathy to improve both the products and services, as well as the processes themselves. Design Management is an ongoing conversation between the company and its environment, which can help to reinforce the credibility of design, improve customer orientation, and develop the creative aspects of corporate culture. This paper documents design management contributions to management such as: user orientation, market research, aesthetic value, brand, collaboration, system thinking, creativity, autonomy, prospective research on environment and vision. In the form of a literature review this paper highlights how management can reinforce their brands, products and services, the credibility of the design function, design strategy, performance indicators, research and experimentation by applying design management at its core., providing a synthesis of the existing research, highlighting the major findings and themes that emerge from the literature on design management.
Sara Gancho
The Conceptual Design Framework for XR Marketing
The concept of XR (Extended Reality) Marketing is growing rapidly and businesses across many different fields are using virtual and augmented reality more than ever before. Despite the ability of XR technology to create immersive and engaging experiences, there is still a lack of understanding about how marketing experiences should be designed using this technology. The aim of this paper is to explore and analyze the conceptual design framework for creating engaging and immersive marketing experiences in XR. The findings of the study show that storytelling, gamification and User-Centered Design (UCD) are the most effective key elements for designing engaging and immersive XR marketing experiences. Storytelling enables the design of a narrative that captures the consumer's attention. Gamification adds a layer of interactivity and competition to the design, making the experience more fun and memorable. User-Centered Design (UCD) ensures that the experience is designed around the needs and preferences of the consumer, making it more effective and personalized. Ultimately, this research aims to provide a guide on how the design framework can be used to create well-functioning XR marketing experiences.
Baris Atiker
Impact of Social Media on Large Scale Enterprises
Social media has revolutionised business-customer interactions and brand-building for both traditional large-scale companies and the latest online companies. Established enterprises now have unprecedented opportunities to connect with customers, gather feedback, and cultivate brand loyalty through platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. At the same time, emerging online companies can leverage social media to establish their brand presence, engage with their target audience, and compete in the digital marketplace. Social media has become an essential tool for businesses of all types and sizes, revolutionising how they interact with customers and build their brands in the modern business landscape. This paper aims to explore the impact of social media on large-scale enterprises, taking into account facts and figures from some of the biggest companies in the world. This research examines how social media affects the operational efficacy of big corporations. Specifically, the study explores how social media use affects various dimensions of business performance, such as revenue growth, customer satisfaction, brand reputation and employee engagement. With the increasing popularity of social media platforms, large-scale enterprises have been leveraging these platforms to enhance their business performance. However, the existing literature on social media's impact on businesses has mostly focused on small and medium-sized enterprises, with little attention given to large-scale enterprises. Exploring New Ways for Large Scale Business Enterprises, including Business Giants and Tech Giants, to Connect with Diverse Customer Pools and what are the benefits and limitations of these new ways of connecting industry with customer?
Harshit Mittal, Gurpreet Singh, Pradeepta Kumar Sarangi
Communication Design and Branding
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Nuno Martins
Daniel Raposo
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