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2019 | Buch

R For Marketing Research and Analytics


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The 2nd edition of R for Marketing Research and Analytics continues to be the best place to learn R for marketing research. This book is a complete introduction to the power of R for marketing research practitioners. The text describes statistical models from a conceptual point of view with a minimal amount of mathematics, presuming only an introductory knowledge of statistics. Hands-on chapters accelerate the learning curve by asking readers to interact with R from the beginning. Core topics include the R language, basic statistics, linear modeling, and data visualization, which is presented throughout as an integral part of analysis.

Later chapters cover more advanced topics yet are intended to be approachable for all analysts. These sections examine logistic regression, customer segmentation, hierarchical linear modeling, market basket analysis, structural equation modeling, and conjoint analysis in R. The text uniquely presents Bayesian models with a minimally complex approach, demonstrating and explaining Bayesian methods alongside traditional analyses for analysis of variance, linear models, and metric and choice-based conjoint analysis.

With its emphasis on data visualization, model assessment, and development of statistical intuition, this book provides guidance for any analyst looking to develop or improve skills in R for marketing applications.

The 2nd edition increases the book’s utility for students and instructors with the inclusion of exercises and classroom slides. At the same time, it retains all of the features that make it a vital resource for practitioners: non-mathematical exposition, examples modeled on real world marketing problems, intuitive guidance on research methods, and immediately applicable code.



Basics of R

Chapter 1. Welcome to R
As a marketing analyst, you have no doubt heard of R. You may have tried R and become frustrated and confused, after which you returned to other tools that are “good enough.” You may know that R uses a command line and dislike that. Or you may be convinced of R’s advantages for experts but worry that you don’t have time to learn or use it.
Chris Chapman, Elea McDonnell Feit
Chapter 2. An Overview of the R Language
In this chapter, we cover just enough of the R language to get you going. If you’re new to programming, this chapter will get you started well enough to be productive and we’ll call out ways to learn more at the end. R is a great place to learn to program because its environment is clean and much simpler than traditional programming languages such as Java or C++. If you’re an experienced programmer in another language, you should skim this chapter to learn the essentials.
Chris Chapman, Elea McDonnell Feit

Fundamentals of Data Analysis

Chapter 3. Describing Data
In this chapter, we tackle our first marketing analytics problem: summarizing and exploring a data set with descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, and so forth) and visualization methods. Such investigation is the simplest analysis one can do yet also the most crucial. It is important to describe and explore any data set before moving on to more complex analysis. This chapter will build your R skills and provide a set of tools for exploring your own data.
Chris Chapman, Elea McDonnell Feit
Chapter 4. Relationships Between Continuous Variables
Experienced analysts understand that the most important insights in marketing analysis often come from understanding relationships between variables. While it is helpful to understand single variables, such as how many products are sold at a store, more valuable insight emerges when we understand relationships such as “Customers who live closer to our store visit more often than those who live farther away,” or “Customers of our online shop buy as much in person at the retail shop as do customers who do not purchase online.”
Chris Chapman, Elea McDonnell Feit
Chapter 5. Comparing Groups: Tables and Visualizations
Marketing analysts often investigate differences between groups of people. Do men or women subscribe to our service at a higher rate? Which demographic segment can best afford our product? Does the product appeal more to homeowners or renters? The answers help us to understand the market, to target customers effectively, and to evaluate the outcome of marketing activities such as promotions.
Chris Chapman, Elea McDonnell Feit
Chapter 6. Comparing Groups: Statistical Tests
In Chap. 5 we saw how to break out data by groups and inspect it with tables and charts. In this chapter we continue our discussion and address the question, “It looks different, but is it really different?” This involves our first inferential statistical procedures: chi-square, t-tests, and analysis of variance (ANOVA). In the final section, we introduce a Bayesian approach to compare groups.
Chris Chapman, Elea McDonnell Feit
Chapter 7. Identifying Drivers of Outcomes: Linear Models
In this chapter we investigate linear models, which are often used in marketing to explore the relationship between an outcome of interest and other variables. A common application in survey analysis is to model satisfaction with a product in relation to specific elements of the product and its delivery; this is called “satisfaction drivers analysis.” Linear models are also used to understand how price and advertising are related to sales, and this is called “marketing mix modeling.” There are many other situations in which it is helpful to model an outcome, known formally as a response or dependent variable, as a function of predictor variables (also known as explanatory or independent variables).
Chris Chapman, Elea McDonnell Feit

Advanced Marketing Applications

Chapter 8. Reducing Data Complexity
Marketing data sets often have many variables—many dimensions—and it is advantageous to reduce these to smaller sets of variables to consider. For instance, we might have many items on a consumer survey that reflect a smaller number of underlying concepts such as customer satisfaction with a service, category leadership for a brand, or luxury for a product. If we can reduce the data to its underlying dimensions, we can more clearly identify the underlying relationships among concepts.
Chris Chapman, Elea McDonnell Feit
Chapter 9. Additional Linear Modeling Topics
As we noted in Chap. 7, the range of applications and methods in linear modeling and regression is vast. In this chapter, we discuss four additional topics in linear modeling that often arise in marketing: Handling highly correlated observations, which pose a problem known as collinearity, as mentioned in Sect. 7.​2.​1. In Sect. 9.1 we examine the problem in detail, along with ways to detect and remediate collinearity in a data set. Fitting models for yes/no, or binary outcomes, such as purchasing a product. In Sect. 9.2 we introduce logistic regression models to model binary outcomes and their influences. Fitting models for yes/no, or binary outcomes, such as purchasing a product. In Sect. 9.2 we introduce logistic regression models to model binary outcomes and their influences. Finding a model for the preferences and responses of individuals, not only for the sample as a whole. In marketing, we often wish to understand individual consumers and the diversity of behavior and product interest among people. In Sect. 9.3 we consider hierarchical linear models (HLM) for consumer preference in ratings-based conjoint analysis data.
Chris Chapman, Elea McDonnell Feit
Chapter 10. Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling
In this chapter, we discuss structural equation models in R. We show how R can be used for both covariance-based and partial least squares modeling, and present basic guidelines for model assessment. We also demonstrate the power of R to simulate data and use such simulation to inform our expectations.
Chris Chapman, Elea McDonnell Feit
Chapter 11. Segmentation: Clustering and Classification
In this chapter, we tackle a canonical marketing research problem: finding, assessing, and predicting customer segments. In previous chapters we’ve seen how to assess relationships in the data (Chap. 4), compare groups (Chap. 5), and assess complex multivariate models (Chap. 10). In a real segmentation project, one would use those methods to ensure that data has appropriate multivariate structure, and then begin segmentation analysis.
Chris Chapman, Elea McDonnell Feit
Chapter 12. Association Rules for Market Basket Analysis
Many firms compile records of customer transactions. These data sets take diverse forms including products that are purchased together, services that are tracked over time in a customer relationship management (CRM) system, sequences of visits and actions on a Web site, and records of customer support calls. These records are very valuable to marketers and inform us about customers’ purchasing patterns, ways in which we might optimize pricing or inventory given the purchase patterns, and relationships between the purchases and other customer information.
Chris Chapman, Elea McDonnell Feit
Chapter 13. Choice Modeling
Much of the data we observe in marketing describes customers purchasing products. For example, as we discussed in Chap. 12, retailers now regularly record the transactions of their customers. In that chapter, we discussed analyzing retail transaction records to determine which products tend to occur together in the same shopping basket. In this chapter we discuss how to analyze customers’ product choices within a category to understand how features and price affect which product a customer will choose. For example, if a customer comes into the store and purchases a 30 oz. jar of Hellman’s brand canola mayonnaise for $3.98, we can conceptualize this as the customer choosing that particular type of mayonnaise among all the other mayonnaise available at that store. This data on customers’ choices can be analyzed to determine which features of a product (e.g., package size, brand, or flavor) are most attractive to customers and how they trade off desirable features against price.
Chris Chapman, Elea McDonnell Feit
Chapter 14. Behavior Sequences
Marketers often wish to understand sequences of customer behavior. If customers visit one web page, do they visit another? If they purchase one product, do they later purchase another? If they have some particular product experience, how does that change their subsequent product or market behavior? There is a vast array of analytical and statistical methods to address such questions, ranging from time series analysis to Markov models, from causal modeling to dynamic clustering.
Chris Chapman, Elea McDonnell Feit
R For Marketing Research and Analytics
verfasst von
Chris Chapman
Elea McDonnell Feit
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