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Urban Ecosystems

Ausgabe 2/2023

Inhalt (22 Artikel)

Effect of environmental and microhabitat variables on tardigrade communities in a medium-sized city in central Argentina

Belen Rocío Ostertag, Alejandra Mariana Rocha, Andrea Ximena González-Reyes, Carla Etel Suárez, Alfonsina Grabosky, Irene Luisa Doma, José Corronca

Mammalian functional diversity and trait responses to anthropogenic and environmental factors across the contiguous USA

Christine C. Rega-Brodsky, Katherine C. B. Weiss, Austin M. Green, Fabiola Iannarilli, Jacquelyn Tleimat, Sarah Fritts, Daniel J. Herrera, M. Caitlin Fisher-Reid, Justin A. Compton, Diana J. R. Lafferty, Maximilian L. Allen

Open Access

Floral enhancement of turfgrass lawns benefits wild bees and honey bees (Apis mellifera)

James Wolfin, Eric Watkins, Ian Lane, Zachary M. Portman, Marla Spivak

Carabid specialists respond differently to nonnative plant invasion in urban forests

J. Christina Mitchell, Vincent D’Amico III, Tara L. E. Trammell, Steven D. Frank

Reproductive differences between urban and forest birds across the years: importance of environmental and weather parameters

Agnès Saulnier, Josefa Bleu, Anne Boos, Maurice Millet, Sandrine Zahn, Pascale Ronot, Islah El Masoudi, Emilio R. Rojas, Pierre Uhlrich, Mirella Del Nero, Sylvie Massemin

Effect of urbanization on individual condition of a threatened seabird: the Olrog’s Gull Larus atlanticus

Germán Oscar García, Francisco Zumpano, Rocío Mariano y Jelicich, Marco Favero

Open Access

Snake life history traits and their association with urban habitat use in a tropical city

Damian Christopher Lettoof, Tom Parkin, Chris James Jolly, Alana de Laive, Brenton von Takach

Diversity and richness of the herbaceous plants on urbanized and non-urbanized dunes on the Brazilian Amazonian coast

Ingrid Fabiana Fonseca Amorim, Patrícia Barbosa Lima, Francisco Soares Santos-Filho, Eduardo Bezerra de Almeida Jr.

Is urban stream restoration really a wicked problem?

Christopher S. Herrington, Kimberly Horndeski

Open Access

Probabilistic modeling of sustainable urban drainage systems

A. Raimondi, M. G. Di Chiano, M. Marchioni, U. Sanfilippo, G. Becciu

Urban ecology and biological studies in Brazilian cities: a systematic review

Richieri Antonio Sartori, Abraão Gomes, Amanda Narcizo, Stella Mata, Anna Thereza Cárcamo, Rayanne Moreira Andrade Matos, Ângelo Antônio Corrêa, Mariana Henriques Santana, Maura Andrade Vieira, Henrique Rajão

Open Access

Tree insect pests and pathogens: a global systematic review of their impacts in urban areas

Susanne Raum, C. Matilda Collins, Julie Urquhart, Clive Potter, Stephan Pauleit, Monika Egerer